Yachtie Glow: Working FLIBS? Here’s how to while away the hours

Oct 30, 2017 by Angela Orecchio

The Yachtie Glow: by Stew Angela Orecchio

If you’re working in the boat show this year, you may find yourself on the dock for a few hours at a time, greeting potential buyers. This can be challenging, both physically and mentally, over  long periods. Here are a few things you can do to to help keep boredom at bay.

Play games

  • Boat Show Bingo. Create a specific list, then have fun trying to spot if the things on the list pass by the boat, such as someone wearing a fanny pack, a lady with fake lips, people holding hands or a floating coconut.
  • Taboo. Select a forbidden word or a phrase for the day or for the amount of time spent on the dock. Keep a running score of how many times you and your crewmates accidentally say the word. The one with the least points wins.
  • Word Games. Play any number of simple word games with your dock partner. A few examples are Country Challenge and Four Fourths of a Ghost. In Country Challenge,  the first player says a country name and the second player must say a country beginning with the last letter of the country that was said in the first place. Countries cannot be repeated. Play until someone cannot think of a country. In Four Fourths of a Ghost, the first player says a letter, then the second player must say another letter to form a word with the first player’s letter. The challenge is to get the other player to end the word by not being able to add another letter.

Challenge Yourself

Make your time on the dock productive by learning something new or challenging your memory. If you’re on the dock for two hours, for example, you could break it up into segments during  which you will be focusing on something specific for a certain amount of time. An example of this would be 30 minutes of a memory challenge, 30 minutes of focusing on breath and being present, 30 minutes of a game (see above) and 30 minutes of isometric exercise where you squeeze your muscles for a period of time and release.

Plan Ahead for Health

Apart from getting a good night’s sleep, exercising regularly and eating lighter, healthier foods, here are three things that will help you feel your best on the dock.

  • Hydration. Remember to stay hydrated and energized with water, coconut water or fresh juice throughout the day. One of the top reasons for feeling tired is often dehydration.
  • Shoes. While you might not be able to choose your own shoes, you can use shoe inserts that form well to your foot while standing for long periods.
  • Personal items. Have a small bag nearby with lip balm, hand lotion and anything else that will make you as comfortable as possible throughout your shift.

Angela Orecchio is a chief stew, certified fitness instructor and health coach. This column was edited from her blog, Savvy Stewardess, The Smart Girl’s Guide to Yachting (www.savvystewardess.com). Comments are welcome below.


About Angela Orecchio

Angela Orecchio is a chief stew and certified health coach. This column was edited from blog, Savvy Stewardess, The Smart Girl’s Guide to Yachting. Contact her through www.savvystewardess.com.

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