Sexual Harassment STCW Amendment Approved

Aug 20, 2024 by Kevin Maher

The Joint International Labour Organization (ILO) and International Maritime Organization (IMO) Tripartite Working Group (JTWG) approved amendments to the Standards of Training and Certification of Watchkeeping (STCW) Code that will tackle bullying and harassment in the maritime sector. The amendments’ objective are to ensure a safe workplace for seafarers, including the prevention of sexual assault and sexual harassment.

The amendments were discussed during a JTWG meeting in February at the IMO Headquarters in London, United Kingdom, and included representation from governments, ship owners, and seafarers.

“We remain steadfast in our commitment to creating a safe and respectful working environment on board. Recognizing that this is not only a moral imperative but also a practical necessity for the industry’s sustainable growth, we are committed to preventing and combating bullying and harassment in the maritime sector,” said Arsenio Dominguez, the IMO’s secretary-general. 

Following three days of deliberation during the February meeting, the JTWG agreed on several recommendations to be submitted to the IMO’s Maritime Safety Committee at its next meeting in May (MSC 108). The draft amendments were approved, and starting Jan. 1, 2026, all seafarers will be required to take specific training to be prepared to prevent and handle bullying and harassment.

“The recommendations that we have made by consensus this week are a step in the right direction to dealing with violence and harassment, including sexual assault, bullying, and sexual harassment in the maritime industry,” said Danny McGowan, vice-chairperson of the JTWG for the Seafarers’ Group.


About Kevin Maher

Kevin Maher is Triton's editor-in-chief.

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