SeaKeepers honored

Nov 30, 2014 by Guest Writer

The International SeaKeepers Society was awarded the Fabien Cousteau Blue Award from the International Superyacht Society for its stewardship of marine ecosystems.

“We work hard all year placing scientists as well as students on our member yachts to promote great ocean science and to be recognized by the ISS is truly an honor and greatly appreciated, SeaKeepers Executive Director Richard Snow said in accepting the award at a gala during the Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show.

SeaKeepers Chairman Michael Moore said, “Jacque Cousteau said, ‘People protect what they love’. We believe the yachting world loves the ocean and SeaKeepers is about protecting it. The Fabien Cousteau Award reaffirms the love and our efforts to protect the ocean are recognized. We are humbled and grateful for this recognition.”

